Lyndi is severely mentally disabled, and requires 24-hour care. Lyndi is unable to do many things that most people take for granted; she cannot speak, feed or dress herself. Thankfully, Lyndi is fortunate enough to live in the Forever Children’s Home. She loves living there because of the happy, homey environment . Lyndi enjoys social interaction and loves music. The caring staff plans many activities, takes her to social events, religious school and out in our community.

Hi, I’m Dylan. My family will tell you that I am the most amazing, loving, and fun person that they know, but that I also require 24/7 care. I was born with Angelmans Syndrome, a condition which causes profound mental retardation, developmental disabilities, and the inability to speak. As a resident of the Forever Children’s Home, I am a part of a safe and nurturing environment that provides me with professional love and support throughout my day. I am a very energetic and social person and can often be found out in the community. My favorite activities include horseback riding, Challenger Baseball, and trips to restaurants. I also love the water and meeting new people. I attend school at United Cerebral Palsy and have the most awesome teachers. Best of all, my family can visit me or take me home whenever they want! The house has the most wonderful staff and they make sure that I am living life to the absolute fullest. Because of them, I am truly blessed.

Matthew has autism, which is a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating, forming relationships and in using language. Matthew has been a resident of the Forever Children’s home since its inception. The well trained, caring staff are like family to him. He feels very happy, comfortable and well-adjusted living at the Forever Children’s home.
Maddie was born with a rare genetic disorder called FOX G1 syndrome, a defect in a gene that is important for proper brain development. Because Maddie’s brain did not develop normally, she has no language and cannot talk. She cannot walk and has trouble moving her arms and using her hands in any purposeful way. Maddie requires full care for everything from the moment she wakes up to the time she is put to bed.
Although Maddie has no language, she will let you know if she is happy or sad. Maddie is able to make people fall in love with her easily with her pleasant disposition and smiles. Maddie loves being around people. She loves swimming and music and goes to sleep listening to her playlist that her Dad lovingly made for her. Maddie attends Beachwood High School. She has two younger siblings who love to come over and see their big sister’s home and her roommates as well as visit with the amazing staff that keeps their sister healthy and safe.